Saturday, July 28, 2012

What the World Eats

Photos from around the world depicting what average families eat in a week from the book Hungry Planet. These photos by Peter Menzel for TIME magazine's photo essay

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Scottish 9-Yr-Old's School Lunch Blog Censored, Then Saved By Internet

Photo from May 24, 2012 entry in Martha Payne's NeverSeconds blog
Martha Payne, a 9-year-old girl in Scotland, was instructed to stop adding photos of her school lunches on her blog, NeverSeconds, because the "photos were misleading and had caused distress to cafeteria staff." After celebrity chefs, including Jamie Oliver, and others advocated on her behalf, she was allowed to continue her posts.

Read the BBC New article that includes interviews with Martha's father and school officials.
Martha Payne, NeverSeconds blogger